At WFMP we are not equipped to handle emergencies such as Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath, Abdominal Pain, Bleeding or Broken Bones. If you have any of these symptoms you need to call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest Emergency Department.
Some of the Doctors at WFMP work at the Emergency Department of our local hospital as well have admitting privileges for inpatients.
Some of the Doctors who work at WFMP do lodge visits, home visits and palliative home visits. If you require one of these services, please discuss it with your doctor.
Calling the office after 4:15 pm or on the weekend: we have someone on call each evening and weekend for urgent issues such as urgent laboratory results or urgent patient concerns. Please call the office and follow the prompt on the answering machine and you will be put through to the on call phone.
WFMP has purchased a wheelchair to be used by our patients at the office. If you require the use of the wheelchair to help with transport to the examination room, please let the staff know.