Five Ways to Improve Your Mental Wellbeing
1) Pay Attention to the Present Moment
This exercise can reduce anxiety and panic attacks. We sometimes call it the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. List five things you see. Four things you hear. Three things you can touch. Two things you smell (for example food, flowers, essential oils). One thing you can taste (for example food or drink or even swishing water around in your mouth).
2) Be Physically Active
Being physically active causes chemical changes in your brain which can improve your mood. You may also feel better about yourself as a bonus.
3) Connect with Others
Good relationships promote a sense of belonging and increased self-worth. Friends can provide you with emotional support, while you can also support others.
4) Learn new skills
This can provide you with a sense of purpose and boost your self-confidence. Try a new hobby or cook something new. Work on a DIY project at home that you find challenging.
5) Give to others
Acts of giving and kindness can improve our mental wellbeing. Volunteer in your community or help a friend or neighbour. Provide a listening ear to someone in need. Spend time with someone in the need of companionship.