When your Doctor refers you to a specialist or for special investigations (tests), the referral department at WFMP will arrange for an appointment for you.
How long it takes to get this appointment is dependent upon many variables including but not limited to:
How urgently your Doctor has requested the appointment to be
How long the waiting list is for the particular specialists
How urgently the specialist's office triages your referral.
Special Investigations booked are also dependent upon how urgently your Doctor feels that the test needs to be done and the availability of that test.
When we receive the appointment date and time, you will be notified by phone, e-mail or mail with the appointment information and any special instructions including any tests required prior to your appointment.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that we have your current phone number, email address and address in order to contact you.
Once you have been seen by a specialist, your Doctor will be sent a letter with recommendations. WFMP will contact you for a follow-up appointment if there are special instructions from the specialist that they wish to go over with you.
NO SHOW - SPECIALIST APPOINTMENTS: Please note that if you have been referred to a specialist and you have missed the appointment it is very difficult to get you another appointment. If you are not going to be able to keep an appointment, you must cancel and reschedule with the specialist office. Many specialist offices are starting to charge a NO SHOW FEE for missed appointments.